My Chinese language study at the Wenxin School.

Since a few weeks I study Chinese language with a friend at the Wenxin school. I am

doing a beginners study ( HSK 1).  In a casual way we have learned already a lot of words. The correct

pronunciation is difficult for us but the good teaching materials are helping us. Also the location is very comfortable and well equipped.


Learn experience

Every Monday afternoon I have my Chinese lessons at the Wenxin Chinese School. I started studying there in the summer of 2018 with the beginner adult classes. I wanted to study Chinese because I was going to do my internship in march of 2019 for my study para-veterinarian in Beijing, China and I wanted to know at least enough of the Chinese language to be able to communicate at the vet clinic I was going to work at.

Sù Méi, the teacher of the adult classes helped me a lot to learn as much Chinese as possible in that short amount of time and when I went to China I knew enough to be able to find my way trough the city and the clinic. After my internship I continued to study Chinese and this year will be my 3rd year.

During every lesson we discuss some things we have experienced throughout the week and we learn from each other. Because we use our own experiences during the lessons we become more confident in speaking Chinese and the lessons are more dynamic. We also use our books to learn the basic rules of grammar and to develop our listening, reading, pronunciation and writing skills. This all together makes every lesson unique and fun.

So, for everyone who wants to learn more about the Chinese culture and the Chinese language, the Wenxin Chinese School Apeldoorn is the place to be.


New semester announcement

Lesson 01-09-2020/31-01-2021

  • For students, each class lasts 135 mins with a break.
  • For adults , each class lasts 90 mins with a break.

* We could change our lesson time, if you need, please contact us.


  • Prices for students (younger than 19 years) are: €45 per month, €200 persemester.
  • Prices for adults (older than 18 years) are: €45 per month, €200 per semester.

* The cost of textbooks is not included. but tea and coffee is available for free.


From 21 December to 4 January: New Year, no

Payment notice 2020

The new semester starts again, the prices of our lessons are :

  • Under18 year old , €45 per month, € 150 per semester
  • Adult, € 50 per month, € 200 per semester

Extend vacation again

There will be no class for a few weeks. ( 15 February, 16 February, 22 February 23 February,29 February,1 march), because of the spreading outbreak of the coronavirus. The class will be started on 7 march & 8 march.

2018 we are together

learn Mandarin(Chinese)
write Chinese characters
Chinese paper-cutting

wenxinchineseschool made 2018 a pretty good year.

Payment notice

The new semester starts again, the prices of our lessons are :

  • €200 per semester (22 times, 50 hours)
  • €45 per month

Declaring the expenses of teachers and using the classroom are the biggest expenses.
All kinds of financial support will help our school enormously, so that we can keep going or we can invest for fun activities or interesting books.


Sumei Ren

Notice of holidays:

Wenxin Chinese School Christmas New Year Holiday:

21-12-2018, 22-12-2018, 23-12-2018, 28-12-2018,29-12-2018, 30-12-2018

Lessons start again: 

4-01-2019,  5-01-2019,   6-01-2019