
Hello everyone,
Have you all been enjoying your summer holidays?
Wenxin Chinese School is going to start the lessons the first weekend of September.
For students the lessons start on Saturday September 1st and Sunday 2nd from 10:00 till 12:15.
The lesson for adults starts as usual, from 17:00 till 18:30 on Friday and Sunday.
Prices for adults (older than 18 years) are:
– €10 for one lesson
– €40 per month
– €120 per trimester -or-
– €200 per semester
Prices for students (younger than 19 years) are:
– €7,50 for one lesson
– €30 per month
– €90 per trimester -or-
– €150 per semester
We advise to pay a semester, as it gives most discount.
Our open day:
25th and 26th of august and 1st of September, from 10:00 till 12:00.
You are welcome to come and visit if you are interested.
Our website:
Many greetings,