My impressions on Wen Xin Chinese school

        My name is Li. I am a Chinese who is currently studying in France. I am a friend of the headmistress, Mrs. Ren. And I went to Wen Xin Chinese School last week when I visit her in Apeldoorn.

    I think first of all it is a great thing to have a Chinese school in Apeldoorn, for this school brings opportunities to the citizens a chance to learn a beautiful and rich language that is Chinese. 

    When I first stepped into Wen Xin Chinese School, I felt at ease. Because the colors and decorations of the school make people feel welcomed and warm-hearted. The tables and chairs are put as if it was a chatting room. They give people the feeling of wanting to sit down and talk. 

    Then I saw Mrs Ren teaching one of her student, and they were both smiling. I thought to myself: That is a friendly and efficient environment for learning a language. Because the teacher seemed kind, and they both seemed to had fun. And after all it is a one on one class so the teachers can teach you at your own rhythm. 

    After I greeted with Mrs Ren, I saw another one of her student walked in, and they talked like they were good friends. That I know is normal, because I know what kind of person Mrs Ren is. She is kind and friendly, and she treats the people she knows like family.

    Just before I leave, I saw a lady who is a little older walked in. So then I knew this is a school for all ages. Cool.

    I later found out that this school can even arrange classes according to the students’ schedules. That is just too good!

    Well, I don’t know much about Wen Xin Chinese School, but from the little that I saw, I think it is a pretty good school where you can study Chinese comfortably and efficiently and make a lot of friends!